Dr Megan Rossi and fellow scientists reviewing the latest probiotic guidelines and clinical studies in the lab

Probiotic science has evolved...

The concept that all live bacteria have the same benefits, or that taking a daily probiotic is beneficial for overall health, is outdated.

Genus, species, strain explanatory infographic green

Not all probiotics are created equal

Just as you wouldn’t prescribe an iron supplement to address a vitamin D deficiency, the latest research on the gut microbiome highlights the importance of specificity when it comes to live bacteria. To truly support your patients, it’s essential to recommend the right strain, at the right time, to be taken in the right way - in order to replicate the clinically-proven effect observed in randomised placebo-controlled trials.

In order to recommend the right live bacterial supplement, you need to get specific right down to the exact strain needed for the condition / symptom you wish to address. If you only consider the species-level, it’s like choosing between a zebra and a dog - they are very different, and in turn can do very different things. 

The other thing to keep in mind is that more strains does not equate to a better product. You need to ensure each of the strains have been tested together in clinical trials. Just as you wouldn’t leave a chihuahua and a rottweiler in a room together unattended, without taking certain precautions, different bacterial strains can compete against each other!

Image of petri dish growing bacteria

The strains powering SMART STRAINS®

The SMART STRAINS® bacterial strains have been specially selected based on the strength of their scientific evidence, with backing from global clinical guidelines[sup]1-2[/sup].

LGG® is the world's most documented bacterial strain featuring in over 2,000 scientific publications, including 300 human studies spanning all ages, from newborns to the elderly. Most of the clinical evidence-base for LGG® centres around immune health (including respiratory health), and gastrointestinal health.

BB-12® is the world's most documented Bifidobacterium strain featuring in over 400 scientific publications, including 200 describing human studies spanning all ages, from preterm infants to the elderly. Most of the clinical evidence-base for BB-12® centres around gastrointestinal health and immune health.

La-14® is a lactic acid bacterium of human origin that has been documented in over 50 scientific studies, including 18 clinical trials. This strain has been clinically-proven to colonise the vaginal microbiome, and impact the innate and adaptive immune systems in women.

HN001™ has been consumed for over 20 years and has been documented in over 100 scientific publications, including 47 clinical trials, spanning all ages from early infancy to the elderly, as well as pregnant and lactating women. It has been shown to survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract, impact the immune system, and support colonisation of the vagina when combined with La-14®.

Dr Megan Rossi The Gut Health Doctor

Formulated by Dr Megan Rossi The Gut Health Doctor®

Dr Megan Rossi, founder of The Gut Health Doctor®, is one of the most influential gut health specialists internationally, and a leading Research Fellow at King’s College London. A registered dietitian and nutritionist for fifteen years, Dr Rossi has an award-winning PhD in Probiotics, which was recognised for its contribution to science, receiving the Dean’s Award for outstanding research.

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1. Probiotics and Prebiotics | World Gastroenterology Organisation

2. European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHN), 2022 guidelines.